Friday, December 5, 2008

Chicken update

One of our chickens died. She was a pretty black and white (a bard rock breed). She had been wheezing and making funny noises. When Clayton let them out this morning, he noticed only five were out. He looked inside and she had died during the night. I had named her obamma mamma. Hope it's not a sign of things to come.


Kaye Butler said...

We only knew Obamma Mamma through your blog. Even though we never met her in person, we feel like we knew her, really knew her.

We send our deepest sympathy.

The Butler's of Whittsburg.

Dianne said...

YOU ARE JUST MAD BECAUSE I DID NOT CALL KERNODLES! We are both so wrong.........What were those strange noises I heard coming from your hill last night? Is mm hearing things?????????????