Friday, March 6, 2009

I want my hour back

I am going to start my griping early. What idiot decided they could take an hour of darkness away from me? No, I don't really want to know. As my faithful few know, I am not a morning person. I don't like getting up when the sun is coming up. And I sure don't like getting up in the dark--unless there is a REALLY good sale going on somewhere and then they have to be almost giving it away. I get up a 5 am now, just to have my alone, don't talk to me I am not up yet, time. Chipper morning people get on my nerves. But I digress. Next week, it will be 4 when I get up and that is not good. Does not bode well for anyone who thinks I can function. You are warned. I NEED my hour.


jennisg said...

I agree 100%!!! I feel cheated....Springing forward :( - I do however like the "falling back".....

Kaye Butler said...

Well, I now know the truth about how you feel about me:(. I get on your nerves.

As a kid, I used to sit by the phone watching the clock waiting, waiting, waiting, until my friends would wake up and I could call them.

You know I love the morning and hate the night.

Dianne said...

But you know not to call me before I am awake. That's what makes the difference.

Joanna said...

Morning people are scary. If someone says good morning I say prove it.