Thursday, January 21, 2010


Doctor visit today. Diagnostic mammogram scheduled for Tuesday morning. Job--who cares. Cardiologist visit scheduled for Thursday, but I may cancel it, depending on Tuesday. Dr. says come back to him 24 hours after mammogram for results but that "it has to come out regardless". Lots of blood tests, anemic (well, after all the blood they took), possible b12 deficiency, among other things, will find out later. Just a beautiful day in the neighborhood. On the uupside my husband took me to lunch for Chinese.


Suburban Correspondent said...

Whew! And I thought I was having a bad week....hang in there!

Care to give me the specifics on that rice pudding recipe you mentioned in my comments?

Dianne said...

Just take your leftover rice, beat an egg or two (depends on how much rice you have) with milk (I prefer canned, gives better taste, one can or less according to how much rice you have) cup of sugar (or to taste), teaspoon vanilla, mix well, put in buttered casserole dish and bake for 25 min at 350 (or until set). Can add raisins if u like, i don't like, and is VERY good with meringue on top and brown meringue. yum-o

Joanna said...

At least there is always eggrolls.

Ugh. Hope you're hanging in there.