Thursday, January 8, 2009

Porn Bailout?!

I was sitting here trying to decide on what exciting aspects of my life to share with you. Watching the 10pm news. The lead story? The porn business wants a $5 million bailout. I could not believe my ears. So I looked at the TV and sure enough, there's head porn dude, aka dirty old man, saying his business is down 25% because everyone has so many problems that no one is interested in sex. Well, in my house, we were never interested in what he was selling. I will be following this story to see how it develops. I TRIPLE DOG DARE any politicans to back this. They will be pulling their heads out of where the sun don't shine if they do. I'm still shaking my head over this one.


Kaye Butler said...

OMG, if the porn business gets money, I want a bailout.

Joanna said...

I saw that and couldn't believe it! Is it just me or does that dirty old man look like Jabba the Hut from Star Wars?

EmmaP said...

ridiculous and disgusting! Trust me... the target audience that wants the porn isn't usually having sex anyway!!!

Ruthykins said...

oh please tell me that it was ron jeremy! i hope that there is only one big dog and not more than that! those people are losers. i think instead of the companies getting the bailouts we the consumers should get it. make the stimulus package bigger for us and let the porn industry, well, you know...

mom2k said...

I couldn't believe what I was seeing either...can't believe they had the nerve to ask for a bailout.