Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Porn, chinese and islands

Well, been watching the news and no updates on the porn bailout! HHHMMM, wonder why? Maybe somebody figured out that was more than we would take. That we wouldn't just roll over and let them have it? I don't know, but I'm still mad about it. In other news.... Ate lunch with sil Kaye today. Chinese. It was very good. Sent her a text at 8:30 telling her I was already hungry and ready for lunch. When fortune cookie time rolled around hers said she would be surrounded by friends. Hey, that's me. Her learn chinese word was "friend", that went with her fortune. On to mine. Mine says, and I quote: "Your dearest wish will come true." We tried to narrow it down. Maybe the drama queen in the office will get fired? She's on the brink. Maybe Ed McMahon will come to my house? OR maybe Jimmy Buffet will finally adopt me! Yes, I am a full fledged parrot head. But, I don't want to marry him. Adoption is good. ANYHOO... Using Kaye's theory of relativity that you add the learn chinese word in, my word was ginger. Well, stay with me now, Ginger was on the island with little buddy and skipper. Therefore Ginger relates to an island which relates to a beach which relates to JIMMY BUFFET. WHOHOO! Getting me a new daddy and moving to the beach (see header). What do you think? Feel free to vote and I promise your vote will not count at all!


Kellan said...

I used to love Giligan's Island - thanks for taking me back there tonight - it made me smile!

Have a great week - Kellan

EmmaP said...

i'm thinking they realized there is better, more important news out there then some perv trying to "rape" us via a government bailout.

Kaye Butler said...

Great post!!!

I'm slow to read my addictions lately.

Today my fortune was...Do not behave with a cold manner.

Learn chinese word was attitude.