Wednesday, January 27, 2010


That would be the big C. Doc says both breasts. Going to breast surgeon Monday. I'm waiting on biopsies before I accept it.


Kaye Butler said... for need lost of it.

Love ya

Kaye Butler said...


Dianne said...

ggeezzz i was so excited when i saw i had two comments...

jennisg said...

Well, quite frankly put that sucks...(sorry I couldn't think of a more eloquent way of putting it) thanks for the update although that wasn't the news I wanted to read.....Prayers to you and your family...

Pat said...

So sorry to hear that! Praying all goes well. What does one say? I don't know - I'm thinking about you. Blessins...

Joanna said...

So sorry. I'm praying for you. And wishing for all the chocolate to come your way. Matter of fact start to demand people just hand you chocolate and tell them it's part of your treatment.

Dianne said...

oh i like that