Tuesday, April 20, 2010

U want what?

Philip asked me to buy him two books. Now what mother could turn down a request to buy her science fair winning, medal receiving for solo performance, child down when they want educational materials? Turns out he really wanted four. One on chickens, ok I get that one. One on bird watching because "I really have always been interested in it". One on CHEMISTRY and lastly, a PHYSICS book. Thinking about changing his name to Albert (einstein, that is). I didn't even know what to say. So I just bought 'em. I don't think we have any bomb supplies around, but I know where there are a LOT of old cars if he is trying to build a time machine to go back to the future.


Joanna said...

That's funny!

EmmaP said...

at least he didn't ask for one about girls! bwahahahaha!

Mayor said...

I do not know your mother, but I do know Wes. I stopped by last week and he showed me his Model T.

Pat said...

Saw your comment about your sister's work. didn't have your email address; hoping you see this... Which base? My sister works at Tyndall AFB! What is your sister's name? Hope you're doing good!

mom2k said...

I don't get to sit at the computer much these days...the boys want to be outside all the time! Maybe one day I will get a laptop or a phone with internet like the rest of the world LOL! Anyway, I think of you often and wanted you to know you are in my prayers!