Sunday, February 27, 2011

Less than a brain

It seems that Charlie Sheen has managed to cost not only himself a job, but the people he works with as well. I had watched this show only to determine it was some of the biggest filth on tv and never tuned in again. But I am really pissed at the whole sheen family now. Seems dear old dad has deemed his son's addiction a cancer. He actually had the audacity to say this on air. IT IS NOT. I DID NOT choose to have cancer. No one CHOOSES to have cancer. But there are plenty of people, just like the above mentioned ne'er do well, that choose to drink, do drugs, lie, screw around, and PUBLISH all of it. THAT IS NOT CANCER. Ask anyone who suffers from it. Ask any parent who has lost a child to it, any child who has lost a parent. This is my blog and I will say what I want. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. Your loss, not mine.


rthling said...

Right on! Preach it!

Joanna said...

You go, Ms. Thang! Tell them like it is.

Kaye Butler said...

Love it! I agree 2 and Half Men is so nasty. I flipped by the show one day and stopped, the brother was ------ off to a computer when his SON walked in on him and they laughed. Seriously. This was not on late either, rerun in the afternoon at 5:30 PM when children could easily flip to like I did.

Oh, and I told Tim about your facebook post the other day which is similar to this post here, he agrees!

Kaye Butler said...

Love it! I agree 2 and Half Men is so nasty. I flipped by the show one day and stopped, the brother was ------ off to a computer when his SON walked in on him and they laughed. Seriously. This was not on late either, rerun in the afternoon at 5:30 PM when children could easily flip to like I did.

Oh, and I told Tim about your facebook post the other day which is similar to this post here, he agrees!