Monday, November 10, 2008

Dual Signs

I originally titled this post as Here's My Sign. Then Kaye called and she needed a sign, too. She is always talking about and Girls' Night Out (GNO) I was sitting and waiting for a load of clothes to dry and thought, hey, I've got the time, I am going to check this out. Supposed to be about holiday recipes. Sounded good! So I signed up and proceeded to fumble around in the dark, looking for all these people and their recipes. Guess I will be looking for awhile. You see, and I knew this from the start, GNOis on Tuesdays. It would be Monday. Has been ALL DAY LONG! I felt really stupid. Until Kaye called and said she had posted her Hot Chocolate recipe and was waiting for some responses, when she to realized, HELLO! It's Monday. Here's our sign! Thank you Bill Engvall.


Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Hi. Looking for your email...

The GNO gets really to @sabrie and @butlerdiaries..they will walk you through it.

type in GNO in the search box and hit refresh often. Also hit your own replies tab in regular twitter page too!

DM me if you need more help?

email me at rog2bark at