Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Am I the only mother in the world who has had her Christmas ruined by an ungrateful teenager? With just a comment or two? Who has worked all day and the kid brags he only got up 30 minutes before you got home from work? And you have spent your entire first paycheck on his Christmas presents? And there have been ZERO gifts, you know this for a fact, bought for you? Or made? Or even thought about? And you ruined his life because you made him do the ONE thing you asked him to do last Sunday? Which was just to SORT the dirty clothes that were in the bathroom, so YOU could wash them. And dry them. And fold them. And hang them up. And in reply to "Welcome to my world." he replies, "your world is gay and stupid". And when you inform him you worked all day he replies "I really don't care". I had to text Kaye, (who left me a comment that we have no life because we live next door to each other, read each others blog and leave comments, all while texting each other) because I was TOO MAD TO TALK. No jury, OF MY PEERS, in the whole wide world, would convict me. He better be glad the stores were closed because I wanted to take all his stuff back and spend the money on ME and my sweet, favoritest child, who went to work with me and worked all day long, slaving away with his dear mother because he loves her and wanted to be with her (I know he was just afraid he was missing something). But this is my rant so I can say what I want. But, as a mother, I was more responsible. When he got in the shower, I turned on the dishwasher to use up all the hot water. heh heh heh. He was mad because I was watching White Christmas and he wanted to play the Wii. Well, guess what? It is a movie marathon!!! On back to back to back. I am currently in my second viewing. Not to mention that the internet was down, and now I AM HOGGING THE COMPUTER so he can't get on and I plan on staying here a LONG LONG LONG time. I know that vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, but I think He will cut us some slack in some instances. I haven't committed murder, yet. Or justifiable homicide.


Kaye Butler said...

This is way better than my txt to your txt...

U:I only have one kid.
ME: Kill One?

Why is this post better than that?
Because if you kill one, I HAVE TO WORK because I'll have to funeralize it, someone would have to post bail (we would need those presents to take back so we could bail you out), that's just too much work...torture is way better.

Kaye Butler said...

Sad: I just texted you to check out my comment. Oh, now you have 2 comments. Comment hog.

Dianne said...

Oh, I do not even want bail. I want the vacation. I would be treated like a queen when they learned my story. But I would get out way too fast, you know the jury of my peers thing.

Dianne said...

Quit making me laugh. I am trying to have a pity party here and ENJOY myself. Do I need to txt u 2 read this????????

Kaye Butler said...

Now you have FIVE comments. I soon will have to go retrieve my ungreatful children, seeing how it's 9:45 pm.

Don't make me have to funeralize anyone until at least Monday.

So, Is he out in the cold?

Dianne said...

He is walking back and forth wanting me to get off the computer. I went and visited twitter but it was over capacity and couldn't get on. Oh well, guess he will just have to wait til I am thru. Poor baby. (Inset evil laugh here).

jennisg said...

See this is how I all began reading Kaye's blog because it was so nice to have someone to relate to about the living nightmare of being a parent of a teenager...I so feel your pain, mine haven't been too bad the past few days so there should be an outbreak real soon. They were fighting last night and when one tattled on the other I told him to fight to the death (Sorry kaye, yep you would have to go to work)because whoever lost I could take back their presents and whoever one surely wouldn't get anything from Santa for killing their sibling...P.S. Alex loves it when I throw back her own comments at her save his "I really don't care" for later on to throw back at him....

Leslie said...

Sometimes even when they live with you and they are 20, things can be bad like that!!!