Friday, September 17, 2010


It must be fall. There are all these little clues. School has started, you can hear the high school bands practicing, their music wafting on the ever so slightly cooler breezes. There are even football games, high school Friday nights, and taking over the airways the rest of the weekend into the week sometimes. Not here. Fall means sweater weather, crisp mornings, burning leaves. It's gonna be freaking 95 degrees here today and that way for the next week. Lows around 79 or 80. You don't burn leaves, it would just make it hotter. Sweaters? Maybe in December. At least the humidity is not as high. Instead of 95 with heat index of 115, it will feel like the actual temp here now. There are four seasons in Arkansas:
1. Summer
2. Still summer
3. Christmas
4. Almost summer


Joanna said...

So in your opinion is that a good thing or a bad thing? I love fall - the crisp air and the colors. But that means winter is around the corner and I don't like freezing my toes off.

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

I can't stop laughing. really, still laughing. still......



Kaye Butler said...

too funny! It was 100 Sunday at 3 pm